You found:

Common throughout the forest, moss is used to soak up liquids

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Often found around damp areas, ragwort is used to treat achy joints

Riverclan Border

The sound of the river gets louder as you approach. The water looks cold and dangerous, best to watch your pawsteps.

The scents of Riverclan are fresh, a patrol must have passed by here recently. You wonder briefly if your friend Mothwing was among them. Shaking your head to clear it you return back to your task. Letting the sound of the river sooth you, you continue your search.

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Riverclan Border

Click to search for herbs

When you’re satisfied with your selection, click here!

You found:

Commonly found near shores, mallow is used to ease bellyaches

You found:

Sweet Sedge
Only found in or around Riverclan territory, the sap is used to ease infections

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Twoleg Trash
That’s not an herb silly! Put it back

Thunderclan Territory

You head deeper into the forest. The thick covering of trees blocks out the weak sunlight, you stifle a shiver. Distantly, you can hear the sounds of birdsong.